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Document Title Category
digital environment for preschool children (1) kids
Report on expanding KiddyFace (2) kids
Virtual Snorkeling & Cathedral-Building for KiddyFace (3) kids
Virtual Snorkeling & Cathedral-Building for KiddyFace p2 (4) kids
Virtual Snorkeling & Cathedral-Building for KiddyFace p3 (5) kids
How to make digital information child-friendly? (11) kids
Companies creating museum exhibits (25) muse market
Association of Science-Technology Centers Exhibition (15) muse market
Lists of museums and museum associations (26) muse market
Breakdown of Museums From Dun&Bradstreet Jan-March 1998 database (6) muse market
Smithsonian Office of Exhibits Central (7) muse services
Gallery and museum list from artsasli.org (12) muses
Museums Web Site - from older SI list (8) muses
Museum Education papers (14) Paper
Paper: Proposal for Educational Fair Use Guidelines for Digital Images (24) Paper
Paper: The Museum is Op (21) Paper
Paper: Introduction to Multimedia in Museums - part 3 (20) Paper
Paper: Introduction to Multimedia in Museums - part 2 (19) Paper
Paper: Introduction to Multimedia in Museums (18) Paper
Paper: AN INVISIBLE INFRASTRUCTURE Institutions of Informal Science Education (17) Paper
Proceedings: External factors affecting organizations (13) Paper
Paper: Science Museums as Environments for Learning (9) research
Paper: Digital Information and the Future of Museums (10) research
Museum*Computer Network Activities (22) Training
Smithsonian Museum Reference Center (23) Training
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